Free Technology Help with the Teen Tech Squad

image of grandma on computer, teens group, and technology. text reads need tech help? free technology help available at the library! With our new teen tech squad. april and may. drop in mondays and tuesdays 3 - 5PM.

April & May | Mondays and Tuesdays 3-5 PM

Drop in on afternoons for some help with technology!

We can help with: 

  • eBooks & eAudiobooks (help with Libby app)
  • eReaders, smartphones & tablet devices
  • hoopla
  • searching the internet
  • email
  • wearables (Smart Watches, Fitbits, etc.) 

Please note: We do not troubleshoot or fix malfunctioning devices, take apart or replace physical parts on a device, handle viruses or virus software, download and/or install hardware, or participate in credit card transactions.   

Drop in Mondays and Tuesdays 3-5 PM. Starting April 14 through May 27 (No class April 21 or May 26).

No Registration Required.