Have a snow day with books!

Snow ideas!

It’s snowing out today and it looks like it’s going to be a cold week.  Looking for something to do?  Here are some ideas!


Read a book.

We have some fun snow themed books you can check out with your library card.  There is a display in the children's room with many winter theme books or you can check out some below.


snow puppy 




The Mystery of the Snow Puppy by Manushkin, Fran

When Koko, Katie's new white puppy, is scared by a noisy truck and runs away, Katie and Pedro try to track her down in the snow, following several false leads until they finally see Koko.










Flubby does not like snow!

 It's snowing, and Kami wants to take Flubby outside to play. But Flubby doesn't like the snow—it's too cold! Can Kami find a way to convince the cat to enjoy the winter wonderland?










just one flake



 Just one flake

Determined to catch a perfect snowflake, Liam sticks out his tongue and tries a number of tricks, all to no avail, but after giving it one last shot, he grabs one in an unexpected way.






we want snow cover

We want snow! : a wintry chant  by Jamie A. Swenson

Three children imagine the fun they will have when it snows, but when the flurries start, they get more than they bargained for.





henry chills




Henry Hecklebeck chills out by Wanda Coven

On a snowy day in Brewster, Henry keeps warm with a little magic while competing against his friends in a series of winter contests.












Check out Hoopla.

Hoopla is a site you can access at home with your library card.  It has eBooks, movies, tv shows and music you can play from your device.  There is a large selection for adults, teens and kids.

Here are some of the books you can get:

snow books on hoopla


10 Things to do in the snow:

  1. Find animal tracks in the snow.  Look them up to see what animal made them.
  2. Build a snowman.
  3. Have a snowball fight.
  4. Paint in the snow- use food coloring and spray bottles to create colors.
  5. Blow bubble and watch them freeze.
  6. Go on a treasure hunt- have a list of items to find (ex. Pinecone, acorn, etc.)
  7. Build a snow fort.
  8. Feed the birds.
  9. Go sledding.
  10. HAVE FUN!